Bullying is a plague just like any other horrible disease. It’s hiding in the shadows tell it can find you or someone like you with their guard down their immune system not working at full capacity and attack. And, once it knows your weakness it’ll continue attacking until you do something to strengthen your guard/immune system, and fight off the Bully. But, don’t let your guard down in the future because this disease will return.
Where do children that Bully others come from anyway, where does this disease get started? Do these kids, this plague, just wake up one morning with a mean-streak, a chip on their shoulders, a burning desire to torment someone?
I don’t think so-I’m pretty sure there created by the very people that have been put in charge of raising them to be loving, productive, functional adults someday. . . their family, and if the family didn’t create this plague on society than they certainly ignored the child enough for someone else to create it. Didn’t you learn your rights and wrongs from those around you? Your father, mother, and older siblings that set the living examples that you saw, heard, and felt each day.
What are the odds you will become a Bully if. . . . your father was pushy, aggressive, and a perfectionist, got his way with the air of a dictator, your mother got things done around the house by yelling and shouting threats of what would happen if you and your siblings didn’t obey, you’re older siblings got away with tease, hit, and torment you and your parents intervening with a shout to “Stop, leave your brother/sister alone”, and a back hand slap to drive the point home that they were serious. What are the odds, I think hugh, I think you have two choices in this family, join the Bullies or be the Bullied.
So that actually means that this child that has become the Bully, the disease, the plague on those around him/her, was once the child with their guard down, the immune system not at full capacity, and the people in charge of helping this child get better, and stay health abused them. This particular disease was cultivated in the Family Petri Dish the same way a germ is cultivated in a laboratory.
I think we have a giant problem on our hands;
a) We need rules and laws to protect and keep our children healthy from the Disease/Bullies that are out there right now.
b) Those rules and laws have to come from some of the very adults/parents that created the disease and are still sick themselves.
c) We need people willing to enforce those rules and laws.
d) Asking someone that is sick to help stop the very disease they have is like asking an alcoholic to cure themselves, very few can or do most of the time someone health has to step in.
What are the chances these adults (that have some form of the disease themselves) will admit their wrong, accept the responsibility and help stomp out this disease.
Slim, No . . . . Very Slim, why do you thing this disease has become an epidemic. That means just like ridding the world of Polio, Small Pox and other disease that have plagued the world the healthy have to step up and do more, do everything they can to make up for all the sick that can’t step up, don’t know how to step up, or don’t even see a problem.
Can the sick adults be saved, should we concentrate our efforts on them or the children?
I think Mahatma Gandhi said it best;
"If we are to teach real peace in this world, and if we are to carry on a real war against war, we shall have to begin with the children."
Stay Health and Strong
Report highlights seriousness of bullying News - Yahoo!Xtra News